The plant design capacity for potential maximum capacity for each unit. 每个单元的最大处理能力即其设计能力。
The selection and industrial application situation ofm-xylene plant capacity increasing technical plan was introduced. 介绍了间二甲苯装置增产技术方案的选择及工业应用情况。
Callus induction and plant regeneration capacity of different varieties were significantly different. 不同品种在诱导愈伤和分化再生上都有显著的基因型差异。
In an effort to make Opel/ Vauxhall profitable by 2012, GM also plans to cut 20 per cent of plant capacity. 为了在2012年前实现盈利,欧宝/沃克斯豪尔还将削减20%产能。
Detection of plant photosynthetic capacity based on unsaturated light-induced delayed fluorescence 基于非饱和光诱导延迟荧光的光合能力检测
System Dynamics in Plant Capacity Enlargement 生产能力扩大的系统动态性研究
By process calculation, the plant capacity can be raised by part change of flow configuration, replacement of some equipment and addition of catalyst. 经过工艺核算,拟对工艺进行局部改造,更换部分设备并添加催化剂,以达到扩产的目的;
The present main trends are: plant capacity development, process simplification and optimation, increasing competition pressure. Polyester melt direct conversion processes show good development potentialities. 生产能力扩大、工艺简化和优化以及工程项目建设竞争加剧是当前的主要趋势,聚酯熔体直接成型工艺有极大的发展潜力。
The effects of each parameter on the situation of esterification column and measures to be taken after the plant capacity increasing are preseted. 论述各工艺参数对酯化塔工况的影响及装置增容后所采取的措施。
The plant capacity, product output and its mix, the technical level in phosphatic compound fertilizer industry in Guizhou province are introduced. 介绍贵州省目前磷复肥各品种的装置生产能力、实际产量、产品结构、技术水平。
In the working process of plant capacity increasing to 360 t/ d ( per line), the plant load was increased at the same time. By technology optimization, adjustment the parameters, the plant working conditions were obviously improved. 装置提产到360t/d(单线)的工作过程中,装置负荷也同时增大,通过工艺优化、调整参数,使装置工况明显好转。
Under the macro-economic condition with the coexistence of comparative excess plant capacity and excess labor supply, how to expand demand and employment has been the key points and difficult problems in our reforms and economic growth. 在我国生产相对过剩与劳动过剩并存的宏观经济形势下,如何扩大需求与就业日益成为我国改革与发展的重点、难点问题之一。
After the completion of the project, the plant capacity is increased to 70 kt/ a with more reasonable process flow and flexible operation and much less sewage effluent. 改造后装置生产能力提高到70kt/a,工艺配置更加合理,操作灵活性变大,污水排放量大大减少。
To suggest domestic enterprises restructure the productive plants owing to the excess plant capacity of base oil and large amount of imports of high grade oil. 根据国内基础油生产能力过剩,又要大量进口高档油的情况,建议老企业可改造为老三套与加氢技术结合的生产技术。
The results show that it can increase the plant capacity by 10%, and also make the operation more steady, enhance the benefit of plant. 实践证明,使用高效导向浮阀能使装置的处理能力提高10%,同时稳定了操作,提高了效益。
Control of product quality after the polyester plant capacity increasing reformation 聚酯扩容改造后的产品质量控制
PET plant capacity increasing modification 聚酯装置的增容改造
The current plant capacity, equipment and technology status of 30 domestic grease producers are investigated. 调查了国内30家润滑脂生产企业的生产装置能力、设备及工艺现状。
Modifying the bottle-neck equipment to increase the urea plant capacity 改造卡脖子设备提高尿素装置能力
Explaining the important meaning about keeping the voltage of the Kailuan's electrical network steady and analyzing, comparing in an actual existing plant capacity situation to be suitable for the Kailuan's electrical network to be reasonable and economic technological method of controlling voltage at present. 阐述了开滦电网运行中维护电网电压的稳定性的重要意义,分析比较了在现有的一次设备容量情况下,适合目前开滦电网的合理、经济的调节控制电压的技术方法。
Thus we can not only make the furnace operate normally and continuously and realize auto-temperature rising and regulation, but also reduce the plant capacity and save the investment. 这样,不仅可保证炉子的连续正常运行,实现钨、钼丝炉的自动升温和控温,还可减小设备容量、节省投资。
When used for plant capacity expansion, can increase total energy efficiency, enhance yield of lubrication oil and wax and decrease utility consumption, therefore provides new concept both for lowing down energy consumption dur-ing solvent dewaxing as capacity expansion and transformation. 用于装置扩能时可提高总能源效率,提高润滑油和石蜡产量,减少公用工程消耗,为溶剂脱蜡过程降低能耗、扩能改造提供了新的思路。
A new method was developed to experimentally investigate plant sand-binding capacity. 并发展了一种新方法,以对植物固沙能力进行实验研究。
The plant capacity was increased twice by60%, and the revamping work was reduced to some extent and the operation stability of system was improved. 应用这一措施,一定程度减少了装置改造工作量,并有效地改善了系统操作的稳定性。
The results show the water diversion system can satisfy the requirement of specification and design after the power plant capacity enlargement. 结果表明,电站增容后引水系统完全能满足有关规范和设计的要求。
Scutellaria heat dampness, purging fire detoxification, hemostasis, and preventing miscarriage, is a common staple in clinical medicine, plant capacity, wide planting area. 黄芩清热燥湿,泻火解毒,止血,安胎,是一位临床上常用的的大宗药材,种植量大,种植面积广。
The result indicates that the installment performance index is good, the plant capacity demand is not big. 结果表明,装置性能指标较好,设备容量需求不大。
Heavy metals from soil to plant transfer capacity of Pb Cr Zn Cu. 重金属由土壤向植物的迁移能力为PbCrZnCu。